Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A statement from Richmond City Council Regarding COVID-19

Richmond City Council / News Release
For sharing, forwarding, and posting
Tuesday, 24 March 2020

A statement from Richmond City Council
Regarding COVID-19

Richmond, Virginia – “Thank you Richmond residents for your strength and fortitude as our city works together to respond to this unprecedented world health pandemic, COVID-19, and the ever evolving associated challenges.

During this time, Richmond City Council remains committed to the continued provision of oversight, legislative action, and policies, critical to the continued operation and delivery of essential city services to help ensure the health, well-being and safety of all residents.

In light of the current situational context, Richmond City Council is currently working to delineate processes and procedures for holding electronic public meetings, and will share the meeting schedule and method for public involvement once finalized.

For your safety, please observe the cautionary measures prescribed by public health authorities, and know that Richmond City Council anticipates adopting in mid-April an ordinance extending the filing deadline for applications and certifications for tax relief for the elderly and the permanently and totally disabled to mid-May.

While critical Richmond Government services continue to be delivered, nothing about the current event is business as usual and some services will understandably be affected by efforts to help protect our communities. 

As we advance through this new normal together with changes in our daily lives and routines, thank you for your patience and understanding as Richmond endeavors to persevere.

Richmond City Council also thanks those working diligently and tirelessly behind the scenes and on the front lines, who rarely get the credit they deserve, as our community continues to navigate responsibility through this now and in the weeks ahead.

As always, Richmond residents are invited and encouraged to communicate thoughts, ideas and questions they have directly to the individual Councilmembers representing them. Please find the following helpful link for contact information, if needed: http://www.richmondgov.com/CityCouncil/contacts.aspx

And, for updated local developments, Richmond City Council encourages residents to follow reputable sources of information related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 and, in order to help maintain consistency and continuity, directs everyone to visit www.richmondgov.com/covid19.”


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