Thursday, July 15, 2010

Councilman Bruce Tyler to hold meeting: Future of Bandy Field Park to be discussed

Richmond City Councilman Bruce W. Tyler, West End 1st District, Richmond City Council, will hold a meeting in the West End 1st District. Councilman Tyler holds individual meetings in Richmond’s West End 1st District throughout the year, typically at the same time and place, on the fourth Tuesday of every other month. His meetings include information on his goals and accomplishments, a thematic agenda of current interest and special guests. The meetings are free and all West End 1st District citizens are invited and encouraged to attend.


900 E. Broad Street, Suite 200 - Richmond, Virginia 23219 -

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Councilman Bruce Tyler to hold meeting in the West End 1st District: Future of Bandy Field Park to be discussed

Entire West End 1st District invited and encouraged to attend

WHAT Richmond City Councilman Bruce W. Tyler, West End 1st District, Richmond City Council, will hold a meeting in the West End 1st District. Councilman Tyler holds individual meetings in Richmond’s West End 1st District throughout the year, typically at the same time and place, on the fourth Tuesday of every other month. His meetings include information on his goals and accomplishments, a thematic agenda of current interest and special guests. The meetings are free and all West End 1st District citizens are invited and encouraged to attend.

This meeting will include:

Agenda ____________________________________________________

• Future of Bandy Field Park
Bandy Field Park is a city-owned park managed by the Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities. A public discussion will include the potential creation of a Conservation Easement of the site.

o J. R. Pope, Director
Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities

• Richmond Police Department

WHEN Tuesday, 27 July 2010
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

WHERE Richmond Public Schools - Mary Munford Elementary School
211 Westmoreland Street (Between Cary Street and Grove Avenue in Richmond’s West End)

WHO The Honorable Bruce W. Tyler, Councilman
West End 1st District, Richmond City Council

CONTACT For more information, please contact Councilman Bruce Tyler, at 804.357.6007; or; or, Jennifer Walle, at 363.3442/

- M O R E -

Background on Bandy Field Park
Bandy Field Park was established as a Richmond City Park by Richmond City Council on May 10, 1999. The park is approximately 18-acres and is located in both Richmond (4.42 acres est.) and Henrico County (13.58 acres est.) at the northwest corner of Three Chopt and Bandy Roads in Richmond’s West End - near the Village Shopping Center

Originally the space, now known as Bandy Field Park, was located in Henrico County. When part of Henrico County was annexed into the City of Richmond in 1942, the land was split between Richmond and Henrico County. In 1955, Richmond purchased the remaining County land for a potential school site, as there were plans for further annexations which did not materialize. The site then became Richmond Surplus Property.

Over the years, City and County residents began using “Bandy Field” as a neighborhood park and playground. During that time, a number of entities have been interested in purchasing the property for commercial development.
